Greenhouse Shade Covers is made by HDPE,PE as the basis material.
Shade net UV protection at least five years.
Green shade nets widely applied for various cereal and oil crops,vegetables,melons and fruits,flower tea,domestic fungus,medicinal materials,greenhouse,carport,leisure place etc.
Shade covers has many usages,as follows:
Shade net used against sunshine in greenhouses and film tunnels
Shade net used to collect grains in horticulture and forestry.
Green Shade net is used as a protective material in sport centers and pools
Green sun Shade net is used as a protective material and sunshade in construction area
Summer: keep from the heavy sunshine and the rain
Winter: keep the inside warm
The features of Green shade covers are long life durable ,firm structure ,high strength,stable size
Sheds and Greenhouse: Sun shade net provides crops with ventilational and cool growth conditions.
Animals feeding: Shade net is used in feed lots,chicken farms,it provides animals with ventilational and cool shadow circumstances.